Monday, November 21, 2016

Zelda and Ivy

Kvasnosky, L. M. (1998). Zelda and Ivy. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press. 

What would life be without a sister? Zelda and Ivy depicts the typical tale of two sisters where we obviously have a leader and a somehow reluctant follower. While she’s the oldest, Zelda has the ability to exert more power over Ivy, her baby sister and has her do things that Ivy is not completely sold on. And as the baby sister, Ivy feels some sort of obligation to follow the somehow irrational requests her sister Zelda makes. After each chapter, Ivy is left with the not so great part of the deal and one can’t help but feel sympathy towards her. It is not until the last chapter that we see a shift and feel as though she will finally get her first favorable outcome. Or will she?

Poor Ivy! What is life without a sister? I have been blessed with both and although I am the baby, my sisters NEVER took advantage of me, however, I somehow see myself as the one who would be getting away with things like Zelda...Yup! Not proud of that, but wouldn't it be fun? Because sometimes sibling rivalry has nothing to do with envy and jealousy but everything with who gets their way? And also with making sacrifices here and there to see each other happy. 😊 Loved this book!

And Ivy's blue tail reminded me of this...

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